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Getting Cozy!
Brittania and Nashi Bundy
Bruce Baukman
Dakota McLean - Oh No, not the hat!
Dixie Baukman
GP Bundy
Holly Moody
Bonnie Beatrice Thomas and Ukiah Isaiah Thomas, Mother and Son
Fabio Thomas, dressed up and ready to go to the Harvest Carnival, Oct. 31, 2008
Vladimir and Autumn, boyfriend and girlfriend
Barnabas Bently Thomas
Isaac Jerome Thomas
Sunshine and Vladimir—they want to be the clinic kitties!!!!
Vladimir all dressed up
Margarita Madora Thomas, Isabella Danielle Thomas—they think this dog bed was bought for them!!!
Margaret Thomas waiting for her stocking to be filled!!!
"Lucy" Peskin
Daisy Grubbs at Inavale
Splash Grubbs
Nelle Grubbs
Marley Lund
Oslo wishing everyone a Merry Christmas
Fabio Thomas all decked out for the Harvest Carnival.
Roose Pets
Vladi and his new friend Piper the bunny.